Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fantastic Day!:D

Today was a fantastic day, once again those ups and downs of the sport and how they affect us and today was definitely an up, I had such an amazing ride on Nico, really what I would classify as being one of our best schools ever.  I had a different kind of honesty in the throughness and connection with him, we didn't work on anything fancy but nailing those basics that are always so elusive no matter what level you're at, the transitions within the gaits were easy today and very fluid over the back, consequently we had some amazing half passes and one single flying change that was more through than any other change he's ever given me before, it was a short school today as we were so pleased with how he went and naturally wanted to reward his effort-though on days like that it's so hard to be disciplined because they feel so amazing that you just want to keep riding and riding and riding.  I have to say it's also been so refreshing to be around a barn full of riders/trainers who all have similar goals and understanding of the sport and I find a little piece of inspiration from them all, I've met some new people who I've got a great deal of admiration for and I've earned some new respect for people who I already knew and had perhaps underestimated in the past, it's always interesting to work side by side with people as you come to understand them better, where they come from and where they are going and it's truly insightful.  There's a young rider in the barn who is a very eager learner, watches all of the lessons and video tapes every one of her own to review every night, her ambition reminds me so much of how I was as a young rider and it renews that sense of inspiration in myself, I also met a lady who was telling me a story about an up and coming professional rider who had a sponsor offer to buy her a grand prix horse, this rider told the sponsor that she truly felt she wasn't ready for something of this level and referred her to a more experienced professional whom she felt was more qualified-all I could say is wow that is truly a very mature decision to make, most people would jump at the chance to have a horse-any horse-but especially a going international horse purchased for them and she turned this chance over to someone she felt was more qualified, that is truly a level of discipline and understanding of ones own current abilities that is very very rare to find in this sport and I find that has an incredible inspiration all of its own.  Basically it's been great to be around a group of people who I can really relate to for awhile-it's not so easy when you have huge international ambitions but live in a remote area as there are few people who truly realize what goes in to being on that level, I don't mean this as a negative thing at all it's simply a numbers game that when you're in a remote area there just aren't that many, being surrounded by people from across the continent who are all extremely goal driven and truly dedicated to having a full and complete understanding not only of the sport aspect but also of the training aspect, how to correctly develop a horse physically and mentally is so refreshing and when you're riding with that kind of atmosphere daily it certainly ups your own drive and determination.  In a sport where it can be easy to train the tricks and not necessarily get true throughness in the body of the horse I've found it very refreshing to be around multiple trainers who are truly dedicated not only to the show ring aspect of the sport but of the correct foundation and true understanding to the importance this aspect has to the overall health of the dressage horse as an athlete.  What more can I say, I am so happy that I chose to take this opportunity as the whole environment has given me such a renewed perspective on riding, training and teaching and I hope to bring that back home with me, I think that it is very important to have these experiences on a routine basis in ones career because when you are on your own too much you start to get lost and it's important to keep yourself striving toward personal growth, as a rider and as a person in general:)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say what a great job you're doing with this blog, Janine! Truly insightful and inspirational - keep it up! :)
